FECT Projects Taxonomy
We have to define what a project is - is it something that is time bound and does not come under a theme? And a program is extended work in an area? I suggest since all project are not equal it may be instructive to classify our projects as Main projects - Hazards and Tea Followup Projects - which are over and there is follow up / knowledge management / publishing - e.g. Water, Drought, AgMIP, MDP Subsidiary Projects - where FECT plays a subsidiary role and helping the partners - e.g. Investigative Journalism in Central SL in Tamil , STEM Education in MV (here we are also helping with the capacity development of the main orgs) Social Service Projects - AWWA website, Educational Support in our Locality Internal Projects - which are not funded currently but where we are shopping for sponsorship and working on - Dengue, Air Pollution, Coral Reefs, Emerging Infectious Diseases/ Malaria